GCSAYN Secretariat

Divine Ntiokam

Country: Cameroon
Founder & Executive Director
CSAYN Global

Esther Eborka

Country: Nigera
Personal Assistant to the Executive Director, GCSAYN

Kai Neptune

Country: USA
Adviser to GCSAYN Internship, Mentorship, Networking and Fundraising

Ms. Aishwarya Narasimhadevara

Country: USA
Liaison to UN HQ New York
UN in Geneva, Vienna

Mr. Quamrul Chowdhury

Mentor and Global Champion
GCSAYN Bangladesh

Mr. Clark Halpern

Country : Netherlands
Liaison to the EU Hub, Wageningen University Research (WUR), World Bank​

Mr. Saúl Elías López

Liaison to Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Venezuela

Stephen Armah GCSAYN Ghana

Mr. Stephen Armah

Country : Ghana
Communications Lead

Dr. Phanice Fedha Wangila

Country: Kenya
Global Lead for WASA & CYA & Liaison for University of Kabianga and Njoro Precious Schools

Bwendo Kabanda

Country: Zambia
AYSDGT & Fieldscope Project Lead

Rene Njoki Kimani

Country: Kenya
Global TVET Lead &
Liaison for RVIST

Ms. Afumbom Joy Chouti Nyonguo

Liaison/Focal Point of GCSAYN to COLTECH, University of Bamenda, Cameroon.

Ms. Antoinette Moleele

Country: Botswana
Agribusiness Hub Lead and
Liaison to the CCARDESA Secretariat

Mr. Ibrahim Adam Ali

Country: Somalia
Liaison to the
Government of Somalia

Dr. Phyllis Kedibone Chembe

Country : South Africa
Co- Chair CEEP and
Virtual Academy

Mr. Yaya Deome Hamadjoda Lefe

Country: Cameroon
Environmental and Food Systems, Climate Change and AfCFTA Lead

Wincer Kipronoh

Country: Kenya
Internship and Mentorship
Program Support Team

Linda Sarpong Acheampong

Country: Ghana
Global Co-Chair CEEP

Juliet Ejezie Chinenye

Country: Nigeria
Global Chair WASA

Ms. Wilson Malala

GCSAYN Goodwill Ambassador
Children & Youth in Agriculture (CYA)

William Makaza

Country: Morocco
Liaison to The University Of
Mohammed VI Polytechnic UM6P

Kouramoudou Berete

Country: Guinea
Fisheries, Livestock
and Aquaculture Lead

Ewube Kelly Laure Egbe

Country: Cameroon
Renewable Energy Lead

anantdeep dhillon canada

Anant Singh

Advisor to the Executive Director
for CSAYN Global Operations,
Communication & Networks

Global Focal Points

Dr. Sarada Prasad Mohapatra CSAYN India

Dr. Sarada Prasad Mohapatra

Country: India
Program Lead, Center of Excellence
for Asia

Ms. Arianna Giuliodori

Focal Point for Global Farmers Organizations

Ms. Robynne Anderson

Focal Point for Private Sector

Ms. Lucy Muchoki

Focal Point for Women
in SMEs Kenya

Ms. Bwame Ewane Rose

Liaison to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cameroon

Ms. Lily Singelengele

Focal Point for Youth Programs

Ms. Jessica Vega Ortega

Focal Point for Indigenous People, Mexico

Ms. Jemimah Kutata

Focal Point for Persons with Disabilities, Kenya

Dr. Lovans Owusu-Takyi

Focal Point for Renewable Energy

Ms. Alexandria Audritsh

Purdue University, USA

Mr. Benjamin Njila Fields

Berkeley University ,USA

Ms. Heba Abdul Karim Jarrar

Liaison with Earth Charter International
Sustainable Agriculture Consultant

Cpt. Ndoumou Ludovic

Liaison for Intergovernmental Affairs
Chief Security Officer, Cameroon