1st International Conference on “Transforming Food Systems through Climate Smart Agriculture”
The overall goal of the conference is to promote the development of innovative research for transforming the food system in Africa through climate-smart agriculture by providing a platform for knowledge sharing, learning, and networking among university and non-university researchers. Usually, it is attended by experts and distinguished keynote speakers, and eminent scientists from Ethiopia in particular and entire Africa.
The Conference shall focus on the following sub-theme
- Theme 1: Climate Smart Agricultural Technologies and Practices
- Theme 2: Climate-informed Services for Agriculture and Food Systems
- Theme 3: Climate Risk Management in Agriculture and Resilient Economy
- Theme 4: Biotechnology for Climate-Resilient Agriculture
- Theme 5: Agro-ecology for Sustainable Food System
- Theme 6: Biodiversity and Nature-Based Solution for Climate Risk Management
- Theme 7: Food systems and Markets in the Changing Climate
- Theme 8: Gender, Policies, and Institutions for Sustainable Food System
The abstract should be submitted at http://huaceconfhub.haramaya.edu.et/index.html. All submitted abstracts will be subjected to critical review, and if accepted, the author will be invited to submit the full paper. Paper that is presented on the conference will be subjected to peer review and published in the special issue of the East African Journal of Sciences (https://www.ajol.info/index.php/eajsci)